Annual School Plan

Major Concern 1:
To strengthen the English proficiency of students

Strategies / Tasks


Success Criteria

Evaluation Method

Responsible Department/ Person


1. To establish an environment which encourages the use of English

a. Announcements, internal publicity, documents circulated in school and among students will be in English

Whole year

-? More than 80% of school announcement and internal publicity are conducted in English.

-? 90% of documents circulated among students are in English.

- evaluation in AC

a. EMI Unit,
all teachers



b. English display will be put up in classrooms

Whole year in regular intervals



b. Eng. Dept.,
Class Culture Unit


c. Presentations and discussions will be arranged in the learning of relevant subjects.

Whole year

-? All EMI subjects have programmes requiring students to present in English

- year plans

c. Dept. of EMI subject


d. Students will have to use English in various school functions and activities.

Whole year

-? From the response of students, more than 60% shows positive impact on
* awareness of using English in school
* confidence in listening and speaking English

- student survey

d. EMI Unit,
all teachers


e. Setting up of an English Learning Centre

By Dec.

-? set-up completed,
one to two programmes launched

- evaluation in AC

e. English Dept


2. Supports will be given to teachers and students for the using of English in school

a. Staff development activities

Once in Term 1 or in Term 2

-? 70% of participants show positive response.

- teacher survey

a. EMI Unit,


b. Teachers are encouraged to take courses organized by external institutes to enhance their teaching with EMI.

Feb, 06 ˇV April, 06;

April, 06 ˇV June, 06

-? 4 to 6 teachers enrolled

- evaluation in AC

b. EMI Unit,


3. Various activities will be arranged by the English Department to enhance studentsˇ¦ English proficiency.

a. Choral reading in class.

Whole year

-? 80% of students show positive response.

- evaluation in Eng. Dept.

a-e. Eng. Dept.


b. Theme-based English programmes on Day 1

Whole year

-? 6 sessions are made and 70% of students show positive feedback

- student survey



c. S.6 students will be recruited as English ambassadors to promote learning of the language in junior forms and primary schools

Nov, 05;

April, 06

-? 80% of ambassadors and 70% of participants show positive feedback.

- student survey



d. English magazine will be published in regular intervals of time

Three times in the school year

-? 3 issues are published and 60% of students show positive feedback

- student survey



e. Collaborative teaching will be organized in S.1 and S. 2.

Whole year

-? 4 sessions are held and 60% of participating teachers find it helpful

- teacher survey



4. Cross-curricular collaboration

a. Collaborate with the following subjects in lower forms to set up concerted language objectives:
I.S., Mathematics, Geography and H.E.

Whole year

-? Language objectives are set for 50% of the lessons.

- evaluation in EMI unit

a. EMI Unit,
Eng. Dept,
I.S., Maths, Geog. & Cpt Dept.


Major Concern 2:?
To enhance skill-based learning among students
 Strategies / Tasks
 Success Criteria
Responsible Department
/ Person
  1. To develop and implement a whole school skill-based learning curriculum
  1. Liberal Studies Development unit set up :
  2. To further develop a skill-based learning curriculum
  3. To develop a senior form Liberal Studies Curriculum
Whole year
  1. Skill-based learning curriculum made
  2. Proposal of senior form Liberal Studies curriculum
  1. Evaluation in AAC meetings
  1. LSDU
  1. Subjects and functional committees to implement the skill-based curriculum
Whole year
  1. Instruction plan of implementing the skill-based curriculum planned and carried out
  2. 60%? students show positive feedback in learning the? selected? skills
  1. Subjects Panel and Committees record
  2. Students surveys
  1. All panel heads and? committees heads
  1. Mass programmes organised to promote studentsˇ¦ awareness towards skill-based learning
Two times in 1st term
  1. 60% students show positive feedback
  1. Observation
  1. LSDU
2. Enhance teachersˇ¦ professional capacity for the implementation of skill-based learning
Organise professional exchange meeting among subjects panel heads and committees heads One to two times each term
  1. 70% teachers show positive feedback
  1. Observation
  1. SDU
Organise staff development activities One time
  1. 60% of teachers find the programme useful
  1. teacher survey
  1. SDU
  1. Formulation of Assessment
  1. Develop relevant assessment criteria
Whole year
  1. Relevant assessment criteria made
  1. Subject panel and committees record
  1. All panel heads and committees heads

Major Concern 3:
To strengthen studentsˇ¦ ability of learning through reading

Strategies / Tasks


Success Criteria

Evaluation Method

Responsible Department/


1. A favourable environment will be established to foster the reading habit

a. Measures will be made to facilitate a longer effective reading time in the morning

Whole year

-? Students have an average of at least 15 min. of morning reading.

- record in class diary;
- evaluation in AAC

a-b. AAC


b. Board display for the promotion of reading will be carried on

Whole year

-? 60% of students show interest in the information posted

- student survey



2. Activities will be organized to encourage reading.


a. Extensive Reading Scheme for S.1 to S.4 students

Whole year

-? 80% of students can fulfill the ERS requirement

- ERS record

a. Eng. & Chi. Dept.


b. Books recommendation and exhibitions

One to two times each term

-? 60% of recommended books are borrowed/bought.

- evaluation in AAC

b-e. AAC



c. Talks by writers

One to two times in the school year

  1. 60% of students show positive response to the talks


- student survey



d. Voting for the Most Popular Books

Dec, 05 and May, 06

-? 80% of targeted students cast votes

- programme record



e. Competitions

May, 06

-? 80% of expected students joining

- programme record




f. Programmes by PTA to promote reading among parents

Whole year

-? 60% of the participating parents shows positive response.

- parent survey




g. Reading clubs are set up to nurture in-depth reading

Whole year

-? 70% of participants show positive feedback

- student survey

g-h. AAC


h. Reading ambassadors are established to promote reading

Whole year

-? 70% of the reading ambassadors carry out their duties effectively

- evaluation in AAC



3. Staff development


a. Talks or workshops will be organized to enrich the understanding of ˇ§reading to learnˇ¨.?

Once in the school year

-? 60% of participating teachers show positive feedback

- teacher survey

a. AAC & SDU


4. Incorporate reading in curriculum


a. Subject departments should organize their own reading programmes.

Whole year

-? 80% of the subject panels achieve their goals.

- subject panel record

a. AAC,
all subject dept.


b. Helping subjects to make block loans of public library books.

Whole year

-? Loans of two subjects are made

- evaluation in AAC

b. AAC,
subject dept.