Latest news
care of yourself
Remember to measure your body temperature everybody.
Stay home if you are not well.
Time-table 2005-2006
You can download your own class time table HERE.
Student Portfolio Files 2005 - 2006
Download the materials needed for your ILCian Portfolio
Sustainable Development Pamplet Design Competition
Six ILC students had won the
Distinction Award in this Competition. They were delighted
at their achievements.
School Events
ILC 22nd Thanksgiving Day
We celebrated our 22nd Thanksgiving Day with Mr Sprengeler
and Rev. Jacob Tse on 25 Nov, 05. HIGHLIGHTS
of the day ...
Visitors from Martin Luther College
Theodore B. Olsen, President & Prof. Thomas Hunter from
Martin Luther College were accompanied by Mr. Sprengeler
and Rev. Robert Siirila, Chairman of the Life Net Limited
were here in ILC