Index of /Info/SchoolAlbum/Photos_2006_2007
Parent Directory
2006.07.19 S1 Orientation Day/
2006.09.05 S1 Lesson/
2006.09.07 IS Lab/
2006.09.07 Morning Devotion/
2006.09.07 Music Lesson/
2006.09.08 S1 Class Photo/
2006.09.08 S1 Parent Night/
2006.09.15 S1 Parent Evening Meet/
2006.09.19 Portfolio/
2006.10.06 Morning Devotion Award Winner/
2006.10.09 English Morning Devotion/
2006.10.17 Inauguration/
2006.10.19 Taiwan Visitors/
2006.10.25 Peer Mentor/
2006.10.25 Scholars from India/
2006.10.25 Student Leader Training/
2006.11.03 LWL Visiting Art Exhibition/
2006.11.04 Leadership Training Camp/
2006.11.06 Foreigner Visit/
2006.11.06 Visitors From TPOMPSPC/
2006.11.06 Wild_camp/
2006.11.08 English Assembly/
2006.11.09 Blood Donation Day/
2006.11.10 PTA Annaul General Meeting/
2006.11.15 Inter-house Debate Competition (First Round)/
2006.11.16 Influenza Vaccination/
2006.11.17 Fellowship/
2006.11.24 Round School Race/
2006.11.24 Thanks Giving Day Service/
2006.11.28 Class Photo 06-07/
2006.11.28 HKCEE 2nd Half/
2006.12.09 P6 Talk(2)/
2006.12.09 P6 Talk/
2006.12.14 Singing Contest/
2006.12.15 Parent Gospel Meeting/
2006.12.16 Hours Famine/
2006.12.18 Malaysia Chinese Orchestra/
2006.12.30 S2 The Power of the Company Day Camp/
2007.01.05 Morning Devotion/
2007.01.15 Art Works/
2007.01.18 Taifook Securities Group/
2007.01.28 PTA Picnic/
2007.02.06 PTA Paper Cutting Course/
2007.02.14 Top Students/
2007.03.02 Award Presentation/
2007.03.23 Fruit Promotion/
2007.03.23 Singspiration contest/
2007.03.24 Debate/
2007.03.24 Prefect Training/
2007.04.04 CUHK IT Talk/
2007.04.19 Visit from Tsung Tsin Christian Academy/
2007.04.20 P6 Parent Night/
2007.04.27 Bible Quiz/
2007.04.29 Voluntary Work/
2007.05.09 Achie McGlynn's school visit/
2007.05.09 Assembly/
2007.05.09 Classroom Cleaning Competition/
2007.05.10 Award Presentation/
2007.05.11 PPRC/
2007.06.26 Girl Guide/
2007.06.29 Speech Day/
2007.07.04 Visit From TPOMPS/
2007.07.09 Talent Show/
2007.07.13 Closing Ceremony/