Index of /Info/SchoolAlbum/Photos_2007_2008
Parent Directory
0708Term1 Top Students/
2007.09.05 S1 Life/
2007.09.06 S1 Class Photo/
2007.09.07 S1 Parent night (I)/
2007.09.17 Campus Reporter Workshop/
2007.09.25 SU Election/
2007.10.06 Student Voice Forum/
2007.10.09 St. George's School For Girls visit/
2007.10.18 Student Leaders Inauguration/
2007.10.23 BloodDonation/
2007.10.26 Morning Award Presentation/
2007.11.01 Student Leadership Training Programme (I)/
2007.11.09 PTA AGM/
2007.11.10 Trip to High Junk Peak/
2007.11.14 S1&S6 English Game Stalls/
2007.11.15 Physics Society 1st Activity/
2007.11.17 S3 parent night/
2007.11.23 Round School Race/
2007.11.23 Thanks Giving Day Service/
2007.11.28-29 Sport Day/
2007.12.08 ILC P6 open day 07/
2007.12.12 Chinese Orchestra Exchange Programme/
2007.12.14 Assembly Inter-House Debate Competition Final/
2007.12.14 Morning Prize Presentation/
2007.12.21 Christmas Party/
2007.8.14-16 S6 Leadership Camp 2007-08/
2008.01.08 S5 Mock release of HKCEE results/
2008.01.18 1st Meeting of 25th Anniversary Celebration Steering Committee/
2008.01.18 First Meeting of 25th Anniversary Progarmmes Preparation/
2008.01.18 Student Leadership Training Programme/
2008.01.21 Visitors from Mainland/
2008.01.25 Drama Society Performance/
2008.01.29 ELCafe/
2008.02.01 Health Lunch/
2008.02.01 Morning Award Presentation/
2008.02.21 S.5 Farewell Concert/
2008.02.22 Parent's Day/
2008.02.22 S5 Parent Night/
2008.02.22 Top Students of First Term/
2008.02.23 Youth Leadership Development Scheme 2008/
2008.02.25 ELC-Movie Monday/
2008.03.04 TalentShow/
2008.03.05 ELC-Anything Day/
2008.03.06 ELC-Game Day/
2008.03.10 Morning Award Presentation/
2008.04.01 Students Leadership Training/
2008.04.02 Visit of Teachers from Dallam College of UK/
2008.04.18 Morning Award Presentation/
2008.04.23 S4 English Drama Performance/
2008.04.25 P6 Parents Night/
2008.05.16 Morning Award Presentation/
2008.05.19 S3 English Drama/
2008.05.27 S2 English Drama/
2008.06.06 Morning Award Presentation/
2008.06.27 Speech Day/
2008.07.11 Closing Ceremony/
2008.07.15 S1 Parent Night/