Tessellations using Geometer's Sketch Pad

A project guideline for exploring tessellation (by reflection, rotation and translation) using the software Geometer's Sketch Pad.


Totally Tessellated Historical Image Gallery

A website consisting of a lot of beautiful tessellated images.



"Ambigram is a word or words that can be read in more than one way or from more than a single vantage point, such as both right side up and upside down. (from Latin: ambi=both + gram=letter)". An interesting site introducing amigram which is related with the operations of reflection and rotation.


Patterns, Designs and Symmetry

A simple web page consisting of gallery of symmetrical icons and tessellated patterns.


Handout on Symmetry and Tessellation

A handout designed by "The Voices of Girls Project" in .pdf format for collecting symmetrical and tessellated items in daily life.


Symmetry in Architecture

A project by Kelli Nipper and Shannon Umberger including:

a) Bilateral Symmetry

b) Rotational and Reflectional Symmetry

c) Cylindrical Symmetry

d) Chiral Symmetry

e) Similarity Symmetry

f) Spiral or Helical Symmetry

g) Translational Symmetry

h) Spherical Symmetry

i) Combinations of Symmetry "Geometry,

according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, is the study of space, and architecture, in the broadest sense of the word, is the creation of space by construction or subdivision. The two disciplines are virtually inseparable with one distinction. Geometry can exist without architecture, but architecture cannot exist without geometry." - William Blackwell, A.I.A.



A mandala is a sacred, often circular, design. The word mandala derives from a sanscrit word meaning circle. While mandalas are most often rounded or circular (i.e., more symmetrical) this is not necessary. Beyond the simple attractiveness of these designs, mandalas appearing in different cultures are rich with symbolic and spiritual meanings. This web site is full of graphical symbols with rotational symmetry.


Escher in the Classroom

A web site about symmetry and tessellation (tessellation mainly).


Mandala Creations

A website about Mandala patterns which involve symmetries (both reflectional and rotational) created or collected by some high school students attending a summer academic camp at Oklahom State University in 1999.


Symmetry Pattern - The Art of Oriental Carpet

A geometry website dedicated to showing the art of symmetry in oriental carpets.


Dror Bar-Natan's Image Gallery: Symmetry

A web page of gallery of 3D symmetrical artworks.