Name: K.F.Chan(陳家輝老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.3D, S.5E | |
E-mail: ckfaic@netvigator.com |
Name: W.T.Cheung(張偉德老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.2B, S.2D, S.4B, S.7B | |
E-mail: (use the community) |
Name: O.C.Kwan(關愛珠老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.4A, S.4D, S.5B | |
E-mail: (use the community) |
Name: F.Y.Leung(梁鳳賢老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.1C | |
E-mail: (use the community) | |
Message to All Class:Hope you all enjoy the fun in Mathematics! |
Name: S.K.Lo(羅紹國老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.2E, S.3A, S.3E | |
E-mail: (use the community) |
Name: C.F.Lok(駱振輝老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.1A, S.1E, S.4E, S.5C | |
E-mail: ilc037@ilc.hk.campus.net |
Name: K.Y.Lui(呂錦妍老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.2A, S.2C | |
E-mail: (use the community) | |
Message to All Class: Get Fun in Mathematics! |
Name: Y.W.Lui(呂玉華老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.3B, S.3C | |
E-mail: (use the community) |
Name: W.S.So(蘇詠嫦老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.1B, S.1D, S.5A, S.6B | |
E-mail: (use the community) |
Name: K.M.Young(楊劍明老師) | |
Teaching Class: S.4C, S.5D | |
E-mail: (use the community) | |
Message to All Class: Hope all of you enjoy Mathematics! |